The Georgia Review’s 2020 Loraine Williams Poetry Prize chosen by Ilya Kaminsky

"Of the winning poem, Kaminsky wrote, 'This poem is able to bring together form and content in a way that’s spellbinding. An incantation of anaphoric repetition is used here to punctuate a journey, to accelerate it, to reveal its many implications.'"

New Millennium Writings' 48th New Millennium Award for Poetry

"King's poem is a quiet masterpiece, a revelatory and reverent ode to the fate that awaits every living thing." -Alexis Williams Carr, Editor and Publisher

AWP’s Kurt Brown Prize for Poetry chosen by Leslie Harrison

"This group of poems orbits around all of those senses of this word—they're wild and infected with fire, they're deeply rooted in place, they practically burst from the page—they're nearly incandescent—like a baby phoenix already alight. It is hard for me to imagine an emerging writer wrote them—there is craft and control adding fuel to their heat. Formally inventive—a prose poem set as a newspaper column, classic tercets, even a poem in all caps--the poems have each found their true form already. They contain, barely, their own difficult, gorgeous music. They read like they're setting a match to their own paper, they read like fire." -Leslie Harrison